Saturday, January 28, 2012

My Mysterious Island...

Last weekend I started working on a textured canvas with runny paint and a spray bottle. I was quite happy with what showed up on my canvas...a palm tree, island, volcano and ocean.

The painting above is the end result that I worked on tonight. I wasn't too sure about what I'd do to finish it, but I knew I didn't want normal colours.

I went to see Journey 2: The Mysterious Island twice this week. Once in 2D then again in 3D. That movie, with its volcano, water funnels on the ocean and uniqueness inspired me tonight.

This painting includes texture paste, scraping, drippage, some brush work, many layers and the use of a palette knife and bamboo skewer. I enjoyed the challenge of painting it and had the approval of two seven year olds, telling me "it looks good". That's good enough for me!

Paula xo

Monday, January 23, 2012

One Night Wonders...

Finally I've started painting again. With Christmas, holidays, my mum visiting and generally being all over the place, I've completed one (and started another) painting this weekend. Yay!

I've affectionately called this painting set One Night Wonders because, yes you guessed it, I completed them in one night. I have one more painting to do and then I can hang them.

The two in the photo are done on re-purposed box canvasses that I bought for a whopping $2.50 at a charity store. The third canvas will be done on a $3.99 store bought. Value for money!

My daughter starts school tomorrow - year 3...yikes! - and I can't wait to get back into our usual routine so I can paint more.

I hope your 2012 has been a little more productive so far than mine has!

Happy creating!

Paula xo

Sunday, January 22, 2012


Today (or yesterday more correctly as it's now almost 1am here) I painted! Yay! It's the first painting I've done in two weeks and the third I've done in a month.

But I'm back...finally!

This canvas is re-purposed. Under the flowers is a black and white checker painting. Yikes!

But no more. It's now number two in a series of One Night Wonders I'm embarking on. Fun stuff indeed.

I'm glad to be back painting and I can't wait to do more.

Paula xo

Sunday, January 15, 2012

It's Been A While...

Wow! It's been a wee while since I posted. I've had my mum visiting from Tasmania so blogging and creating time has been scarce. But, it's time now to get back into the swing of things and for life to return to "normal", whatever that may be!

My big news for the week is the somewhat dramatic (for her) arrival of my bird Daisy into our lives. She is a 6 month old gray cockatiel and is delightful beyond belief.  Read about her arrival here.

Over the last 3 weeks I've only created two paintings. The first one - "Portals" - came from inspiration from Tracy Verdugo. It's not really like Tracy's paintings in any way, shape or form, but I like the idea of portals into another scene. I'm going to attempt more too.


Pre "Portals"
I really do love experimenting with new ideas and learning new skills. The other painting I completed is one of these. Mum and I visited a charity shop and I bought a pre-loved canvas (although by looking at the painting on the canvas, I couldn't feel the love) and painted over it. I layered and layered, added flowers, marks, colours and used different techniques from my palette knife to water spraying and dripping. It was so much fun and I love the result. Mum said it looks like a messy cottage garden; she really liked it, seriously!

"Beyond the Garden"

I returned to the same charity shop on Friday and bought some more pre-loved canvasses and I'm looking forward to creating another painting in the above style, and also preparing for a stall I hope to start up in February.

Happy creating everyone!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

A New Thing!

Hello from 2012 here in Australia!

I've been pondering my 2012 word/theme and have kept hearing the word "new" and also the words "see, I am doing a new thing". This morning's visit to Bible Gateway ( revealed the verses I needed:

"This is what the LORD says— he who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland." Isaiah 43:16, 18-19 NIV

So, my words/theme for 2012 is...


Moving on from, and forgetting, the past, which is a blessing as there's some horrible stuff there!

Giving up my former self, and allowing God - letting Him in and giving Him room - to shape me into the woman He knows me to be.

Leaving to leave the past where it is, and only referring to it when I remember the valuable lessons I have learnt from it.

There's a lot more I could add here but I will stop for now.

Yesterday gave me a glimpse back into my past: to the emotional damage that was done to me by others, to the reactions that manifested in me, to the feelings I vowed and declared to never feel again.

Today I'm feeling stronger and resolute in the fact that my life as it is is exactly where God wants me, and my girl, to be. He is watching over us and protecting us from the evil in the world, and there is a lot!

Bring on Twenty Twelve! Bring on renewal and refreshment! Bring on another wonderful year with my girl, who is blossoming before my eyes! God gave her to me as a gift and I'm ever so thankful.

Happy "New Thing" Year everyone! May you all be blessed!

Paula xo