Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!

I'm about 9 hours early but I thought I'd wish everyone a happy and safe new year from my girl and I.

We've had a great year, filled with ups and downs and joys and sorrows. We're looking forward to 2012 with new ventures afoot. My girl is going to join the school marching band and choir, while I'm going to branch out into some many and varied artistic pursuits.

We live a blessed life, and are thankful to the Lord for all that He provides us with.

Happy New Year everyone! God bless, Paula xo

Saturday, December 24, 2011

'Tis the Season...

For me it's the season to celebrate the birth of Jesus. To remember that over 2000 years ago a young girl gave birth to the man - the only man - who can save the world. Whatever your beliefs are, please enjoy this season of love, giving, family time, sharing and celebrating.

Christmas Greetings, and much love!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

What is Your Dream?

I've entered a giveaway on Tracy Verdugo's blog and had to say what my dream for 2012 is. This is it:

"My dream for 2012 is big! It includes developing more as an artist and finding a niche (or remaining eclectic...whichever!), selling more paintings, starting art classes for kiddies, offering one-on-one tutorial sessions and opening a stall at a new market starting up in Feb. Big dreams that will all come true!"

I believe I can achieve all this, as well as take up some study through work, and, God willing, continue in the new role that I start on Monday as a Team Leader.
It's taken a while, but I feel that I'm finally moving forward after two years of depression, anxiety and nervous breakdowns (yes...plural).

Art is a healer. God has given me my artistic talent. He sure is looking after me. saying all this, I ask you:

"What is your dream for 2012?"

Paula xo

Friday, December 16, 2011

'Red Tree'...

Tonight I finished off "Rustic Moroccan Mystique" (yay!) and worked on my second commission, which I got paid for today...thank you very much! I also started two new painting projects (both under wraps for now) and ended up with a palette dull of bright colours. The end result of using said colours is the painting above - "Red Tree".

I started painting roughly with the canvas board sitting in landscape view. After doing some painting, wiping, splattering, more painting and wiping and some finger painting, I turned the board to portrait view and found this tree.

It's a tad odd but I like it! It's here to stay!

Paula xo

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

And Now For Some Mixed Media...

Tonight Miss7 and I sat down together in The Blue Room and got creative. She did a delightful bird painting (mixed media, of course), which I am going to get her to expand on tomorrow night. I created the painting above.

I had some yellow oxide leftover on my palette after finishing "Rustic Moroccan Mystique" (finally!) and needed to use it up. Miss 7 had a lot of fun rubbing down the canvas after I roughly applied the paint. I really like the effect on the background.

Anyhoo...the dragonfly came from a homemade greeting card that my sister-in-law made me before Miss7 was even thought of! I knew there was a reason I kept it, and tonight's painting was it. I'm looking forward to doing more dragonfly paintings too.

The media used for the painting includes acrylics, oil pastels and markers. I've never done a mixed media painting before, so to experiment (carefully!) with it tonight was fun. I can't wait to do more now!

Paula xo

Friday, December 9, 2011

Yellow Ochre Love...

One of my favourite colours is yellow ochre. I did some work tonight on "Rustic Moroccan Mystique" (yes, I'm still working on it!) and had some paint left over. So, into my journal it went and out came my permanent marker.

Yellow ochre is one of my favourite colours. If I could put it in every painting I that I do then I will be happy. And in fact, looking around my creative space, I already have!

Do you have a favourite colour that you like to use in every - or most - paintings?

Paula xo

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Need to Create...

I was supposed to go to bed an hour ago. Instead I popped my head into The Blue Room "just for a minute". The end result is the creation above.

I've only been doing this art gig for about seven weeks now, but every day I feel the pull to paint. I know it has been etched into me by the Art Every Day Month challenge. The premise is that it takes three weeks to create a habit. That is definitely true in my case here.

Underneath this finger painted creation is a thick lashing of white paint. Underneath that is something else that I was creating for Christmas. And I hated it. I have another one too. And while I don't hate it as much as the one that I erased tonight, I'm going to make some changes on it.

However, I do need to stop thinking, "oh I hope they will like it", when I paint for others. I must just remember that I am giving them part of me. My finger painted creation is me.

So back to the drawing - or in this case, painting - board tomorrow night to whip up a couple of new creations, and also work on commissions!

I'm sad that the AEDM challenge is over but I am very happy I participated in it. I've met lots of new arty friends and have some brilliant ideas to work with, plus I learnt a thing or two along the way.

So, now it's officially sleep time!

Happy creating, Paula xo

PS: Thank you to my regular visitors and commentors. Your words have blessed me. I apologise for not visiting or commenting more! Xo

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A Paid Artist...

Yes, that's me. I got paid tonight for the Rustic Moroccan Mystique triptych. As it's one of my best friends that is buying it, and it was pay day for us today, she decided to pay me.

So, tonight I've added some more dots, both small and large. The next step will be to add the smaller dots, etc then paint the side panels, etc and it will be done!

I'm going to start on the other commission this weekend, as it will only be three weeks until Christmas then and I need to get moving on it.

Today while my daughter was at her last dancing lesson (she's taking a year off to try the school band and choir) I did a couple of little sketches to paint on some minis for the stall for next year. I even drew a bird!

I'm so glad I knuckled down and got the triptych further advanced tonight. A satisfying feeling!

Happy creating, Paula xo

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A No Art Day...

Yes, it's sad but true ... I haven't, and won't, create anything today. All that I've done is test out some watercolour pencils on a wooden canvas I'm doing for a Christmas gift. The end result was that I want to paint over it and start again. :( Not to worry though, as I will get it sorted!

The fun stuff I did today was help a new online friend with setting up pages on her blog. I'm so glad that I'm now able to share the nerdy, geeky stuff I've learnt about blog pages and blogging (through my personal blog page with others!

Tonight I decided to forgo the online grocery shop this fortnight and brave the store. My daughter - Miss7 - reminded me a few times why I now do online shopping instead of taking her there! My purchases included 'frankie' magazine, which I'd seen on another art blog page a week or so ago, a triple pack of card making, stamping and paper craft magazines, some large paper doilies to act as a stencil in paintings and some sponge clothes so I can set up a wet palette or two.

So, no creating today but definitely some moves into being more creative!

Happy creating, Paula xo

Monday, November 28, 2011

Creativity is Good!

Today 'Alice' arrived at our house. Alice has come to my daughter courtesy of Jenn over at The Blissful Brush . Jenn didn't know what to name the painting and asked for ideas on her FB. My girl was the winner! So, thank you Jenn. And while Alice isn't in the most suitable from, my daughter was pleased to see her tonight, announcing that, "Oh, Alice has arrived."

I have also bought and won other prints over the last month, so I spent time tonight putting a few of these up at home. I can't wait to buy more frames now!

The other piece of creativity today was speaking with the friend who has commissioned the second 'secret squirrel' Christmas painting. I can't wait to get started!

Speaking of creativity, please pop on over to my friend Jo's blog at Princess Warrior Lessons as a guest blogger shares how creativity has helped her rise from depression and anxiety. You will LOVE the post! Creativity IS good and it WILL improve your mental health! I'm testament to that!

Happy creating, Paula xo

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Today I worked on a few projects: a commission, Christmas cards, and completing one of my 'secret squirrel' Christmas gifts. And it was so wonderful to finish it! All I need to do now is sign and varnish it, then it's off to the post office.

I'm looking forward to adding the dot detail to the triptych in the photo, and also starting the other 'secret squirrel' Christmas gift. It's going to be huge, literally. I hope I haven't taken on more than I can paint!

I received news today of the opportunity to have a regular monthly stall at a new little market that i2 due to start in February. Time to put my thinking cap on and start creating some goodies to sell.

Happy creating, Paula xo

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A Very Busy Day...

Today was busy, to say the least! Currently I'm relaxing with Bob Marley playing and a cup of chai tea that has helped get rid of the massive headache I came home with.

My day?  It was about Hillsong Church Foundation breakfast, buying easels, The Collective Store, Tracey Fletcher King (the reason for visiting The Collective Store), The Art Shed Brisbane, De Gillett, acrylic texture, spatter, scumbling, glazing, meeting other artists and buying more (yes, more!) art supplies! Phew! Are you tired from reading all of that?

De Gillett showing us the process of texture,
spatter, scumbling and glazing!
Adding some light to the painting.
More glazing!

I absolutely loved the De Gillett demo and will post about it (yes, I took notes) soon as my head is too full of 'stuff' to make it legible! I have become intrigued by texturing, spatter, scumbling and glazing! I knew a little about each but today's demo explained things further, plus De shared some great hints and tips, which I'll share when I blog about it!

I haven't 'created' anything as such today, but what was created was my desire to further my skills in the area of painting. I am seriously onto something here, and I'm so glad I returned to art!

Friday, November 25, 2011

Four Weeks...

Yes, it's four weeks until Christmas will be upon us. For me that means celebrating the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.

This year I've decided that it's a handmade Christmas. Everything I give must either be made by me, or bought from someone who has handmade it. So far I'm on track.

I'm notoriously bad for being slack about sending out Christmas cards. Usually I'll send out an e-card, which I make myself using a photo of my daughter and I with some photo art on it. This year, however, I've opted for scrapbooking paper, stencils and sparkles, and maybe some other embellishments. The photo shows my progress so far. Very basic!

Tonight I worked on one of my 'secret squirrel' Christmas paintings, which I absolutely LOVE! I can't wait to work on it some more tomorrow after I decide on some more colours.

Happy creating, Paula xo

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Chicken Bird...

Haha, yes, that's what I've called this little friend. I drew this funny little fella today at work, and as my days creating cannot be posted online the bird is all I have on offer.

My Christmas painting for my overseas friend is coming along nicely. I had a very tearful moment tonight after I'd worked in some detail and realised that I can actually paint, and I'm really good. Haha! So yes, I have amazed myself.

I did some research for the other Christmas painting that I'll be doing. My next commission. It will be a large painting so I needed something that "snapped". The person who has commissioned it felt the "snap" today when I shared with them my idea. Phew!

Another creative day ends. I can't wait to get back to it tomorrow night. After church, that is! Oh, and I'm going to my first art demo on Saturday afternoon. It will be on acrylics (my medium of choice), splatter and glazing. I am excited!

Happy creating, Paula xo

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tiredness and Trees...

Well, I'm far too tired to sit at my computer and do up a proper post for AEDM, so I'm sending this from my phone. For now it's time for bed, a DVD & sketching for new commission. Yes, that's right...a new commission. It's all 'secret squirrel' stuff but I'm excited to be doing it.

The photo here today is of some seed pods I saw on a tree at work. I don't know what the tree is called, but this sure looks interesting!

Happy creating, Paula xo

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Am I Crazy?

Last night I did a very bright and colourful entry in my art journal. Yesterday marked one year since I started in my current job and I wanted to celebrate it. Below is a snippet of what I put in my journal. My new butterfly flourish, an attempt to use some paper doileys, viridian green (love it!) and ...  my very favourite ... gloss gel medium! I've never worked with it before but I love it! I was going to use is again tonight in my journal but I needed to evict some pesky little creatures from my girl's hair, so that took precedence!

What I did manage to do tonight in between hair treatments and combing was do a sketch on a canvas board for a Christmas gift that I'm going to paint. I can't wait to share what it is - after Christmas! I don't want to ruin the surprise for the recipient just in case he looks at my blog page! I do ask myself if I'm crazy to take on painting this (yes, it's a bird!), but I'll never know if I don't try!

Anyhoo...that's it for today's creativity. Sleep beckons, and hopefully another early morning like I had today where I worked on my commission piece, added some detail to two small canvas boards for Christmas gifts and admired yesterday's journal entry!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Impromptu Napkin Art...

Since starting my art journal, I've spent a little time adding to it. I'm enjoying the challenge it provides, and also the ideas for new art work that keep popping into my head. I won't be sharing a great deal of my journal, but I will post a photo from time to time. One thing I do know is that it's helping me with create art every day, which is great.

Yesterday was a hot and humid day here in Brisbane, so to alleviate the discomfort my daughter and I went to a local McDonalds for lunch, and to fill in time before she went to a birthday party. She decided that she didn't want to play in the kiddies play areas, so I grabbed some napkins and we created. I had black ink pens and a small box of coloured pencils on hand.

I especially love my daughter's picture. She is so creative! Rainbows and flowers are her "thing" at present.

This week I get back to "work" on the commissioned triptych, and also finishing off some Christmas cards and gifts. Aside from my art journal, I'd better take tonight off painting as I desperately - and I mean DESPERATELY - need to get some housework done. Time to hire a cleaner ... ???

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Trying New Things...

I'm always up for a new challenge or for trying something out at least once, so today I bought an art journal. It's A5 in size and it is quite lovely (I'm a book/stationery addict!). I decided to follow in the footsteps of many ladies I've discovered in arty blogland and begin a journal. Below is my first entry -

I'm hoping to do a daily entry (AEDM has me off on a good footing for it), but if I don't then I'm not going to beat myself up over it. With working full time, being a single parent, running a household AND spending more time than I should doing arty things, I may not have time! But I hope I do.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Today We Created...

My daughter and I stayed home from school and work today. We were both feeling the effects of a very long week and were both snuffly, sneezing and generally feeling ick. My girl rested and played, and I rested and created. Suffice to say, it's been a loooooong day and I'm glad it's almost over.

Yesterday's foray into watercolour pencils went by the way side today with me giving up on the pencils and getting my paints out. It was an easy enough thing to do while resting, and it was very relaxing. Plus I was getting jack of the pencils and wasn't liking the result. So, here is what eventuated -

I'm not quite finished, but I'm very pleased with the result. The support is my visual diary, and I'm actually considering starting up an art journal after today's efforts.

My abstract painting

Miss 7's abstract painting
I gave my girl the opportunity to design and do a "creation" with paints today (she didn't finish it), and then to finish off a painting that she'd started a month ago for her bedroom. It didn't happen, so I finished it for her. This left lots of left over paint on the palette so I had a go at an abstract, and once she saw me using the squirty bottle for the black paint, of course she wanted to join in. I must say that I love - no, make that LOVE - her painting, and it's now hanging up right beside the front door. I'm so proud of her, and she said later that she really enjoys doing the messy paintings! Gotta love her!

So, that's AEDM for today. I'm pleased with today's creations!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I Can't Colour In...

Well, at least that's what my grade 5 teacher told me way back in 1980. I have to agree with her to a certain degree on that point too.

Tonight I did some watercolour pencil drawing/painting as a work colleague loaned me an Aquash Water Brush to try out. I ended up resorting to a liner brush as I just couldn't get the feel of the Aquash Water Brush.

In all honesty...I'd rather use watercolour paints than attempt the pencils again. I will leave the pencils for sketching painting designs onto canvas. I will, however, finish this drawing/painting and then ear mark it to go on a canvas with acrylic paint.

Paula xo

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rushed, Rough and Rugged...

Today I found myself in the library at lunch time again with my visual diary, trusty HB pencil and colouring pencils. My challenge for today was to draw three jugs full of flowers based on photos I'd found on a page on Facebook,  I completed the first one at lunch, and the other two in the car after work while my daughter was at her dancing lesson.  I'm quite pleased with the results, even if they are rushed, rough and rugged!

My aim is to eventually get these three drawings painted onto board and in a frame with a crackling finish. I bought four very cheap frames online a couple of weeks ago ($5 each) and was just waiting for an idea to come for them.  Enter the jugs of flowers!

I'm quite excited about the prospect of painting them, which will mean coating the boards in gesso first, then doing the paintings.  What I'm most excited about though is doing the crackled paint frames!

I'm very pleased that I created something today. I may not have started Art Every Day Month until a week into it, but I'm glad I did!  Now, I'm off into "The Blue Room" to paint!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Day Job Dilemma...

To curb the creative edge during the eight hours at my day job, I sketch in the library at lunch time.  It's only 30 minutes, but it's enough to dream, create, sweep my pencil across paper and imagine what my sketch will look like on canvas.

Today I decided to sketch what I love the most - flowers and plants.  What I like to refer to as heavenly flowers and plants.  Creations based on what flowers and plants actually look like here on earth mixed with some heavenly whimsy.  Here is today's creation -

I can't wait to paint this one for myself!

I'm enjoying creating every day.  I just wish that I didn't have my day job!  But the bills need to be paid, my daughter and I need to eat, plus I need to buy more art supplies!  Seriously, I do like my job.  I just love creating more!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Sold to the Best Friend on the Right!

Yes, that's right! I have sold a painting! Yay! And while it is to my best friend, it's still a sale! And to make the deal sweeter, she also wants two more paintings, one to go on either side of the sold painting. And the painting that was sold is non other than "Rustic Moroccan Mystique", which makes painting a 'trilogy' so much easier!

Here is my progress as at Sunday evening. I'm quite chuffed that I was able to paint so much today as the stripes are the simple part. It's the detail that takes a while. But it is all very therapeutic and relaxing so I surely don't mind. Plus there is a financial bonus coming!

In addition to the above painting, I also started on a gift for my parents for Christmas. I'm not 100% happy with how the painting is progressing, but I am making additions and changes as I do. Here is some of the detail from that painting.

One thing I am finding is that I usually have a little bit of paint left over at the end of each session. So, this weekend I've been using the paint to create "Paint Palette Flowers" and also do up little background sheets to use with future collage endeavours. It's amazing what can be creates with blobs of paint. I'm rather loving this leftover project.

So, while I haven't posted every day over the weekend, I have been creating every day and I'm loving it immensely. I have projects swimming around in my mind. I am finding creativity everywhere, including in cookie cutters, pencil grips and Barbie brushes like I did today. It's amazing what patterns one can create from such simple items.

Another highlight of my weekend was going to the Brisbane Art Shed this morning. It was my first trip to a bone fide art store and I loved it! So many products and so much to choose from. While I went there to only buy some gel medium and gesso, I did end up coming home without the gesso (which I found out I did need later in the day), but I did buy the gel medium, more paints, a sketch pad and a desire to keep painting and creating no matter what!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I Love Trees!

This afternoon my daughter and I went down to our local park so she could ride her bike (no training wheels! Yay!). I, of course, took my sketch book and did my unique interpretation of a nearby tree.

During our time at the park and on the walk back home I found some lovely and different coloured leaves. Don't you think they are beautiful?

So, that is it for today's AEDM creative effort. I am now going to go into my bedroom and turn my grandparent's writing desk that I have in there into my spiritual haven. A place for my Bibles, notebooks, devotionals, etc.

Paula xo

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


The title of this post is the hash tag I'm using on Twitter when posting photos of my latest creations. Yes, this Christmas is going to be a "handmade Christmas", ie everything will either be made by me or bought by another artist. I'm going with this mantra -

Aside from working on some coats of paint on stretched canvas and canvas on board last night, my other handmade effort has been preparing Christmas cards tonight. I bought some simple empty photo cards and scrap booking paper with a Christmas and/or red/green feel to it.

I cut the scrap booking paper down to fit in the empty photo card. As I'm a frugal, aka ikey/stingy, Christmas card giver (I usually send out an e-card created by me using a photo of my daughter and I with some photo art on it) I'll only be giving out 8 of these little beauties this year.

I then got out some silver paint and clear glitter paint and practiced stencilling letters and painting words. I will need a lot more practice as I am a rank amateur in the stencilling stakes, but kind of OK in the painting letter stakes!

I'm enjoying doing AEDM even though I'm only on Day 3 with everyone else being on Day 9. Love. Ing. It!